
What to Look for When Buying a Used Truck

silver truck driving by

Whether this is the first time you’ve shopped for a used truck — or just the first time you’ve shopped for one online — it’s worth setting the groundwork before you start browsing.

What is Good Mileage for a Used Truck?

high way with lines of vehicle light

There is more to consider when buying a used truck than mileage alone. Mileage can tell a great story, especially when coupled with things like age, use, maintenance, etc. Keep reading to learn about mileage on used trucks.

Car Buying Tips During Tax Season

file label taxes full of papers

Tax season can be a second Christmas for most adults. However, it can be hard to decide whether you should save your money or spend it on something you need (or don’t need). Of course, if you have the money to spend and need a new car, then you have your answer. Not convinced just […]

What to Look For When Buying a Used Car

different colored sports cars lined up on a dealership lot with colorful flags hanging over them

The used car market can be a whole new world compared to buying new. But rest assured, once you know what to look for when buying a used car, the process gets a whole lot easier. What things should you look for when buying a used car? Take a look at this comprehensive used car […]

When is the Best Time to Buy a Used Car?

Best Time to Buy a Used Car From a Car Dealership Cover photo

You would think that any time is a good time to buy a used car since it’s used and will therefore save you a significant amount of money. However, if you have the luxury of time on your side, you could end up getting an even better deal on a used car that’s practically brand new.

So what’s the deal with buying a used car at the right time?

5 Best Used Trucks in 2023

different colored trucks all lined up in parking spots

Right now, the used car market is seeing a lot of movement with pickup trucks. And it’s not surprising. Pickup trucks aren’t the same gas-guzzling, bare minimum-offering, not-so-family-friendly rides they once were.

Do I Need Insurance Before I Buy a Used Car?

car being protected by 2 hands

Handling car insurance can be confusing. When buying your car second-hand, it can raise even more questions. And the wrong answer can land you in trouble. Find answer within this blog!

Used Car Inspection Checklist

Used Car Inspection Checklist Cover Photo

If you’re shopping for a used car this used car inspection checklist will help you find a quality used car while avoiding the lemons!
