
How to Sell a Car with a Loan

Sell a car with a loan banner image - red toy car over coins

The main difference between selling a car you’re still making payments on versus one you own completely is getting the lender to release the title so the buyer can take ownership. This essentially means getting the current loan paid off — and you technically don’t have to be the one who pays it off.

Should I Sell My Car on Facebook Marketplace

Sell Car on Facebook Marketplace banner

Selling a used vehicle on Facebook Marketplace is a very different experience than selling a household good, mainly due to the complexity of a vehicle transaction and the value of vehicles in general. This marketplace was never designed to sell vehicles, so your selling experience on this platform may not go exactly as you hoped.

How to Safely Sell Your Car Online

woman using cell phone to sell her used white car online

Selling a car online isn’t like selling your old clothes or devices on a second-hand site. Vehicles are expensive and with any sort of major purchase between two parties there will be questions from both sides that need answering and risks involved.
